Nam Can will form a bustling economic zone.
According to the Resolution of the Peoples Council of Ca Mau province on the task of adjusting the general planning on construction of Nam Can economic zone to 2040, Nam Can economic zone is located along the corridor of National Highway 1, in the area of Nam Can district, Ca province. Quickly. Including: Nam Can town, Ham Rong commune, Hang Vinh commune and Ong Do and Ong Chung hamlets of Dat Moi commune, the area is 10,801.95ha. The North borders with Cai Nuoc district, Phu Tan district and Dam Doi district (south bank of Bay Hap river); the South borders Ngoc Hien district (Northern bank of Cua Lon river); the East borders Hiep Tung commune, Nam Can district; The West borders the rest of Dat Moi commune and Lam Hai commune, Nam Can district.
The goal of building Nam Can economic zone is in line with the national development strategy and the development strategy of Ca Mau province, especially in the marine economy. In which, Nam Can economic zone will be the nucleus of Nam Can town, a grade III urban area by 2025. To build a sea and island economic zone, ensuring national defense and security. To form an economic zone with reasonable functional subdivisions, with a synchronous and modern system of technical and social infrastructure; landscape architectural space, civilized, modern urban, sustainable environment and effective land use, well exploiting river and water topography but still ensuring ecological and environmental balance, adapting to climate change climate change and towards green growth.
It is a multi-sector, multi-field economic zone, including: Industry-Trade-Services-High-tech agriculture, tourism, ecology and logistics centers of Ca Mau province and the region. Mekong Delta. In which, identifying the main potential is the high-tech seafood industry. From there, determining the main driving force for the development of the economic zone is a high-tech agricultural zone specializing in fisheries, along with industry, commerce, tourism services and seaport services...
As the national and international trade and maritime transport hub of Ca Mau, the Mekong Delta through Hon Khoai seaport and Nam Can port along Cua Lon river and logistics zone along Cua Lon river. As an auxiliary area for urban development, Nam Can town is a grade III urban center and a transit point connecting the Ca Mau Cape National Tourist Area. As an economic zone of sea and islands, having an important strategic position in terms of national defense and security.
The plan will rearrange the groups of development drivers in terms of economic bases, urban service establishments and defense and security establishments. Formation of Hang Vinh urban area (The Peoples Committee of Nam Can district approved the detailed planning of 1/500 scale of Hang Vinh central residential area, Nam Can district and expected to be ward 3, Nam Can town).
Accordingly, the economic establishments shall be planned in the following direction:
Industry: Renewable energy, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and repair, machine assembly, electronics, seafood processing industry for export, petroleum industry and services, garment, construction materials , production of consumer goods and other supporting industries.
Fisheries: To develop an agricultural zone applying high technology in modern fisheries with the national brand of Vietnam.
Tourism: Developing the center of Nam Can town as a satellite and transshipment point of Ca Mau Cape National Tourist Area, Nam Can tourist and service area in cluster 5, Nam Can town and Dat Moi commune. High quality sports entertainment services, golf course with appropriate space.
Services: Development of trade centers, international-scale logistics services for seafood (seed production center, quality control center, logistics services, international exchange on seafood, ...) on the basis of developing the port system on Cua Lon river and port logistics services, connecting with Hon Khoai seaport.
Trade and service establishments: Commercial and public service centers associated with Nam Can, Ham Rong, Dat Moi and Hang Vinh urban centers are the driving force behind urban development and the real estate market and are bridge for effective integration and economic cooperation between regions in the province...
Forecast of population size of economic zones in planning stages:
In 2030, the population of Nam Can Economic Zone is about 90,000 people, of which the urban population is about 75,000 people. The urbanization rate reached 83%.
In 2040, the population of the whole Nam Can Economic Zone is about 178,000 people, of which, the urban population is about 162,000 people. The urbanization rate reached 91%.
The scale of land area for construction of Nam Can Economic Zone to the forming stage is 4,800 - 6,860ha. In which, land for construction of the economic zone center is 80-160ha; Urban construction land 1,120 - 1,300ha; Land for construction of functional areas 3,600-5,400ha; Land for construction of rural residential areas 200 - 300 ha; Natural land 3,690 - 5,800ha.

Nam Can Economic Zone is a satellite transit point of Ca Mau Cape National Tourist Area (In the photo: Tourists visit Ca Mau Cape - photo taken before the Covid-19 epidemic).
The criteria on social infrastructure and technical infrastructure shall be applied according to the requirements of current construction planning regulations for grade III urban centers for urban development areas and current construction planning regulations for urban areas. with other functional areas, taking into account specific factors.
This resolution was approved by Ca Mau Provincial Peoples Council, Course X, 3rd Session (thematic) on November 2, 2021. The Peoples Council assigned the Peoples Committee of Ca Mau province to implement the task of adjusting the general planning to build Nam Can economic zone until 2040.